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  • Writer's pictureAlanna Grayce

#65: Devin Hale, on being a professional musician

For today, I invited my old bar buddy Devin to come on this episode to share about being a PROFESSIONAL MUSICIAN. Can you imagine? What it's like to be a singer full-time? Isn't that wild?

Devin shares with us his journey of becoming a professional singer-songwriter, what it was like to be a musician in Austin right as the pandemic began, how he put together an incredible band and his goals for the future. This is an episode about inspiration and growth, personal loss and how it shapes us, and how these seemingly unattainable goals (being a musician) are actually viable through hard work and determination.

Plus, we have a nice chat about the differences between fraternities at different schools LOL

Subscribe to Patreon for an exclusive cut-scene, where Devin and I go into an incredible conversation about inspiration, why we were created and the point of life.

oh and.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEVIN!!! <3


The Butcher's Pub in Pineville, Williamsburg and London, KY

San Jac Saloon, Austin TX

Make More Music Pod - here's their iTunes and here's their insta

Where to find Devin:

insta: devinhalemusic (this is where y'all will get updates) facebook: (he admits to being awful about updating this lol)

twitter: if you find his "burner" account DM it to me LOL Venmo the band a drink:


hope you guys love this ep, and I hope you LOVE Devin. He is an absolute angel of a human and his voice and his story is so beautiful. enjoy.

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