Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Slurs, Suicidal Ideations, the whole shebang
This is a hard episode, but GOOD LORD I am so grateful to finally get to bring this to you and to be trusted with this story. I hope y'all enjoy.
Some major/main takeaways:
If you're in this/a similar situation, do your best to find a support system that you can genuinely rely on.
Social media can be helpful, but taking a break to heal and separate yourself rom any dramatics can be very important.
You are valid, you are made correctly, you are valuable and you are WORTHY OF LIFE AND HAPPINESS.
Some of the resources from the Patreon Exclusive episode I did entitled "if you're homphobic, don't have kids" that was inspired by Dallas Tate's experience: READ THIS!!!!
My friend Liam, who's been on the pod a few times, commented this on the Patreon ep a year ago (and I feel it's relevant to include here, since he's a gay man and his input is valid):
"Great session, totally agree with your sentiments, naturally! I feel there is a distinction to call out, where people can be willfully ignorant (they don't want to be introspective and change their views, e.g. thinking all gay men will be camp or get aids, like the people you're talking about there) and those who just don't understand and are willing to learn/understand and ultimately grow as a person. I think that goes for a lot of issues too, like race, trans and the whole spectrum of personal and sexual identities. (Sorry for the ramble!)"